lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2013

Central America celebrated its independence on Sunday 15 September │

Costa Rica has been characterized by having a solid democracy and a system of Government stable.
The independence of Central America was proclaimed in Guatemala on September 15, 1821. A month later, Costa Rica established the first Constitution, through the Concord Pact, which led to the first elections in December 1821.
Costa Rica celebrated its anniversary 192 years since independence with traditional parades in the streets of the country, starring students from schools.
In this country, as in the rest of Central America, was given responsibility in the Organization of the most important activities of this commemoration, to students, in order to teach them values, patriotism, honor and respect.
In Costa Rica on 15 September morning was filled with much folklore. The Second Avenue, one of the most important streets of the city of San Jose was visited by thousands of people who walked to the Central Park of San José to commemorate the independence. The activity had the presence of police who were in charge of the security of the event.
Activity was attended by President Laura Chinchilla, who had the opportunity to be surrounded by hundreds of children who walked the streets at the traditional parade.
Celebration brought together hundreds of people with authorities of the country around 8 a.m. and was loaded with speeches, hymns and delivery of certificates to students who have participated in civic activities.
Also participated in parades the traditional bands of schools who are prepared months in advance for this parade with much fanfare. The participation of the students has been traditional for many years, representing the importance of education in Costa Rica.
In other Central American countries also celebrates independence on 15 September. One of the most important activities is the traditional route with the torch across Central American borders in the hands of national students.
Nationwide festivities were also loaded with typical dances, traditional Costa Rican food, in addition to the singing of the national anthem at six in the afternoon.
Costa Rica boasts a traditional solid democracy and a stable Government, which has allowed him to promote themselves internationally as a country highly attractive for investors and tourists.
Posted by Costa Developers

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